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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Involuntary Detention

Senate Bill 929, amends the Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code §5402, that requires DHCS to collect data on a quarterly basis from each county behavioral director, each designated and approved facility, and each other entity involved in implementing Section 5150, on the number of detentions, the number of temporary and permanent conservatorships established, and the number of persons receiving outpatient services provided within a jail facility.

W&I Code §5402 also requires DHCS to collect, analyze and publish additional data including but not limited to: demographic data, clinical outcomes, waiting periods, number of county-contracted beds and the number of persons admitted or detained either once, between two and five times, between six and eight times, and greater than eight times for each type of detention, including 72-hour evaluation and treatment, 14-day and 30-day periods of intensive treatment, and 180-day postcertification intensive treatment.  

This website includes instructions for reporting and recent annual data. Annual tables will be updated as counties and facilities submit complete reports.

​Senate Bill (SB) 929

SB 929 amended Section 5402 of the W&I Code to require DHCS to collect expanded quarterly data to include in an annual report published by May 1 of each year. The new requirements are intended to address gaps in data collection regarding involuntary detentions under the Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act. Expanded data elements include demographic variables, clinical outcomes, waiting periods, and several data points from the Judicial Council. The data from each county behavioral health director will assist DHCS to develop and publish an annual report pursuant to W&I Code Section 5402 that informs the interested public regarding various aspects of involuntary holds statewide, including detentions, assessments, evaluations, and treatment. ​

LPS Data Collection

​If you are a county behavioral health director and need access to the Nintex data collection​ platform, please reach out to​ or (916) 323-1864 for access​.​

​The DHCS Listening Session: Implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 929,  Assembly Bill 118, and SB 43 video is now publicly available for viewing:

Annual Data

Last modified date: 4/17/2024 8:11 AM