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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Changes are here!​​​​​​​ | En Español​​​ | 漢語​​​​​

Starting January 1, 2024, assets will no longer be counted to determine Medi-Cal eligibility!​​​​​​​

Frequently Asked Questions:​​​​

What are​ assets?​​

​Assets are things you own, which can be counted for Medi-Cal eligibility. These items include bank accounts, cash, second vehicles and homes, and other financial resources. Please see below for examples.​​

Do assets include mon​thly income?​​

​No, assets are things you own, and do not include income, such as social security and retirement payments or monthly income.​​​

Did the types of assets that are counte​d change?

​​No, the types of assets that count for Medi-Cal have not changed, just the limit. Please see below for examples.​​​​

Examples of Asset Types​​



​​Not Countable​
​​Bank Accounts​​
Retirement funds (like IRAs) if you are taking the minimum Monthly Distribution
Tools necessary for work
2nd Vehicles
Primary Vehicle
2nd Homes​
Primary Home (where you live)​


What are the current asset limits?

The asset limits are $130,000 for one person and an additional $65,000 for each additional family member. Please see below for more information.​

Asset Limits as of July 1, 2022​​​

Household size

Asset limits
1 person $130,000
2 people $195,000
3 people $260,000
4 people $325,000
5 people $390,000
6 people $455,000
7 people $520,000
8 people $585,000
9 people $650,000
10 people $715,000


What are the former asset limits?​

The former limits were $2,000 for one person, $3,000 for a couple, and an additional $150 per additional household member (up to 10).​

​Who do ​these new asset limits apply to?​

These asset limits apply to people who have Medi-Cal or want to have Medi-Cal, and those who are aged, blind, or disabled. Please see below for a list of some of the main programs which have asset limits.

Medi-Cal Programs with Asset Limits​

Program Name​​

Program  Description
Aged, Blind, ​and Disabled Federal Poverty level Program For people who are over 65 years old, disabled, and/or blind. This program is free.
250% Working Disabled Program For people who are disabled and also working.
Long-Term Care
For people who are living in a long-term care facility.
Medically Needy with a Share of Cost For people who are over 65   years old, disabled, and/or blind. This program has a monthly cost.
Medicare Savings Programs

For people who get Medicare. These programs help pay for Medicare costs, like copays and premiums.

​​Wh​at should  I do if I think this change applies to me?​​

You can contact your local county office to see if these changes apply to you. If you are not currently on Medi-Cal, the county can help you apply. Find your local county office.

​​Need help now?

For information on Medi-Cal, the below are qualified resources:​​​

For additional Information:​

Contact Us​​

​​​For all other questions related to the asset limit increases, please feel free to contact DHCS at​​​​​

Last modified date: 5/16/2024 3:11 PM