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Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Rescission Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are DACA(s) eligible for Medi-Cal?

Yes. Under existing Medi-Cal policy, individuals with DACA status will continue to be eligible for state-funded, full scope Medi Cal if they otherwise meet all other program eligibility requirements. DACA is one option used under the broader “deferred action status” immigration categories; DACA is not a specific Medicaid eligibility category. Individuals with DACA status are given Medi-Cal eligibility under a broader immigration category that includes a number of categories of non-citizens who are eligible for full scope Medi-Cal coverage under existing state law and California Medicaid policy.  In California, this broader immigration category is known as Permanently Residing in the U.S. Under Color of Law (PRUCOL) and within this category, there are 16 different subcategories. Therefore, individuals with DACA status will not have their health coverage impacted unless they have other changes in their eligibility status (e.g., increase in income, no longer residing in California, etc.)

2. How does the rescission of DACA at the federal level impact Medi-Cal eligibility for existing DACA(s) in California?

There will be no changes to the Medi-Cal coverage for DACA recipients (adults or children) in California. Under existing Medi-Cal policy, individuals in a deferred action status category (or any other PRUCOL category) continue to be eligible for state-funded, full scope Medi-Cal if they otherwise meet all other Medi-Cal program eligibility requirements.

3. Does the rescission of DACA impact the eligibility processes at local county social services agencies?

No, there are no changes to the current business processes of county social services agencies in conferring Medi-Cal eligibility for individuals. Counties shall continue to apply existing Medi-Cal policy in determining Medi-Cal eligibility for immigrants with DACA status.  

4. Is there anything I need to do regarding my Medi-Cal eligibility given this change?

No, there is nothing you need to do.

5. Will my Medi-Cal services be impacted by this change?

No, your Medi-Cal services and coverage are not impacted by this change.

6. Will my information as a DACA recipient be reported to the federal government?

The department is required under federal law to verify citizenship or immigration status for almost all individuals who apply for Medi-Cal coverage and to report data including demographic information and immigration status, to the federal government.  The verification processes and data reporting are done solely for the purposes of administering the Medi-Cal program and are not reported for immigration enforcement purposes unless you are found to have committed a crime, such as fraud. 
Last modified date: 3/23/2021 4:21 AM