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​​​​​​​​​DHCS Medi-Cal Member Advisory Committee

We are excited to implement the Medi-Cal Member Advisory Committee (MMAC), a dedicated forum for Medi-Cal members to provide direct feedback to DHCS’ Director and leadership. The committee is comprised entirely of Medi-Cal members and family caregiver​s, ensuring that a diverse range of perspectives are represented. 

DHCS recognizes the importance of incorporating member input into program development to preserve and improve the overall health and well-being of Californians, and the MMAC serves as a vital platform for this purpose. The committee will work alongside existing DHCS advisory groups, such as the Stakeholder Advisory Committee, to enhance member representation in DHCS’ stakeholder engagement efforts. Additionally, incorporating member perspectives into Medi-Cal program development is essential to furthering health equity and is a core goal of the DHCS Comprehensive Quality Strategy.


Meetings​ are closed to the general public. However, meeting summaries and materials will be posted following each meeting. 

Past Meeting Materials

MMAC summaries and recommendations will be posted in this section. 


MMAC Design Recommendations for DHCS​

Contact Us

Questions? For general questions about the advisory committee, membership, or other general questions, email:​​​​​​​​​

Last modified date: 3/8/2024 3:10 PM