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​​​​​​​​Telehealth Resources

Information for Providers 

Below is some helpful contact information for providers who may be experiencing issues with claims processing or have other general questions about Medi-Cal's telehealth policy:

CAUTION: This is a public inbox, please do not include any personal or private information about yourself or anyone else in your email. DHCS is unable to protect such information if it is submitted through this public mailbox.

Personal and/or private information includes the name, address, Social Security number, and any other information that could be used to identify the patient, such as the geographic area where the patient lives, phone number, email address, date of birth, account numbers, medical condition or diagnosis, and information about the kind of care the patient received in the past and where and when they've received this care. Information that identifies the patient is private, even if it’s not medical information.

Note: Providers of health care services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries must be enrolled in the Medi-Cal program.​

Internal Resources 

For additional information about Medi-Cal's coverage and reimbursement telehealth policies, please see the links below:

External Resources 

For information about telehealth, including how to establish a telehealth program, please see the external site links below: 

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Last modified date: 3/29/2024 3:28 PM