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Statewide projects

Suicide Prevention

This statewide project will support and coordinate with counties in launching the implementation of the California Strategic Plan on Suicide Prevention (Plan) which was approved by the Governor’s Office on June 30, 2008. The recommendations in this document were developed by a multidisciplinary advisory committee convened by the DMH and included representatives from the counties, Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), and other stakeholders. The Plan contains four strategic directions and over thirty recommended actions at both the state and local level, to prevent suicide in California. You are encouraged to explore this web page to learn more about this Statewide Project, the Strategic Plan, and the Office of Suicide Prevention.

Student Mental Health Initiative

The SMHI will provide an opportunity for California schools and higher education campuses to strengthen student mental health programs. Created in response to the Virginia Tech tragedy, the SMHI provides public Local Education Agencies (K-12) and Public Institutions of Higher Education (University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges) the opportunity to apply for funds to develop, expand and integrate campus-based mental health services and supports. This initiative provides an opportunity for education entities to address mental health service gaps, improve services, promote mental health and facilitate access to support services at the earliest possible signs of mental health problems and concerns.

Stigma and Discrimination Reduction

In Spring 2007, the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) convened an Advisory Committee of stakeholders to develop recommendations for reducing stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness. In June 2007, the committee provided a report, Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination Against Persons with Mental Health Disabilities: A Project of the California Mental Health Services Act that recommends developing a comprehensive ten-year strategic plan to guide MHSA activities that reduce stigma and discrimination. In May 2008, the MHSOAC voted for the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) to reconvene and expand the original committee and develop a strategic plan on reducing mental health stigma and discrimination. DMH modeled this effort after the success of its Suicide Prevention Plan Advisory Committee, which issued the groundbreaking "California Strategic Plan on Suicide Prevention."

Reducing Disparities - Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Specific Programs

One of the primary goals of the MHSA is to improve timely access to services for un-served and underserved populations and to reduce mental health disparities. This statewide project will launch a multi-cultural strategic planning process that includes a robust stakeholder process to develop recommendations for local and state actions to reduce disparities among racial, ethnic, cultural and gender specific population groups. DMH will be launching this strategic planning effort in Fall 2008.

Last modified date: 4/12/2022 3:24 PM