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Developmentally Disabled – Continuous Nursing Care Program (DD-CNC)

The purpose of the DD-CNC waiver is to provided 24-hour continuous nursing care for developmentally disabled medically fragile persons in residential settings.  The program provides home and community-based services that assist Medi-Cal beneficiaries to live in the community and avoid institutionalization.

Type of Waiver

1915(c) Freedom of Choice Waiver

Eligibility Requirements 

  • Medi-Cal program eligibility.  Consumers enrolled in managed care health plans are not eligible to participate in the DD-CNC Program.
  • Certified by the regional center as developmentally disabled as defined by W & I Code §4512 and eligible for special treatment programs.
  • Enrolled in the regional center
  • Medical necessity for continuous skilled nursing care needs.
  • Be free of clinically active communicable disease reportable under Title 17, California Code of Regulations (CCR) §2500

Services Provided

  • Continuous 24-hour Nursing including; personal care, developmental services and nursing supervision.
  • Assistance with all Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs).
  • Ventilator Care
  • Tracheotomy Care
  • Oxygen Delivery and Monitoring / BIPAP
  • Oral and tracheal suctioning
  • Continuous IV Therapies.
  • Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
  • Gastrostomy and Ileostomy Care
  • Indwelling or suprapubic catheters
  • Continuous or intermittent tube feeding
  • Medication Administration
  • Pressure sores, all stages
  • Decubitus care
  • Other skilled nursing services as specified
  • Continuous Nursing Care Ventilator Dependent
  • Waiver participants who receive Ventilator Dependent services must be certified by a physician as requiring continuous skilled nursing care and being ventilator dependent.

Funding Source

Federal Medicaid; no additional funding

Enrollment Cap

Currently available in 7 small home-like settings throughout the state.

Waiver Term

October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2012

Additional Resources 


Last modified date: 4/13/2022 11:39 AM