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​​​​​Frequently Asked Questions for Medi-Cal Transportation Services

General Information

What is nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT)?

NEMT is transportation by ambulance, wheelchair van, or litter van for beneficiaries who cannot use public or private transportation to get to and from covered Medi-Cal services, and who need assistance to ambulate.

Who can receive NEMT?​

NEMT is available to all beneficiaries when their medical and physical condition does not allow them to travel by bus, passenger car, taxicab, or another form of public or private transportation. Services must be prescribed by a health care provider.

What is nonmedical transportation (NMT)?

NMT is private or public transportation to and from covered Medi-Cal services for eligible beneficiaries.

Who can receive NMT?

NMT services are available to all beneficiaries with full-scope Medi-Cal and to pregnant women, including to the end of the month in which the 365th day postpartum falls.  

What qualifies as reasons for needing NMT?

Beneficiaries will need to attest to the provider verbally or in writing that they have an unmet transportation need and all other currently available resources have been reasonably exhausted.

Reasons for needing NMT can include any of the following:

  • No valid driver's license.

  • No working vehicle available in the household.

  • Not being able to travel or wait for covered Medi-Cal services alone.

  • Having a physical, cognitive, mental, or developmental limitation.

  • No money for gas to get to appointment.

What types of services are covered for Medi-Cal transportation?

Transportation is only available to and from covered Medi-Cal services, which includes:

  • Medical appointments, including family planning, mental health, and substance use disorder services.

  • Dental appointments.

  • Picking up prescriptions.

  • Picking up medical supplies and equipment.

 Who can provide NEMT and NMT Services?

Licensed, professional medical transportation companies approved and enrolled by Medi-Cal. In addition, Medi-Cal managed care plans also directly contract with other transportation providers for services for plan members.

When should I request transportation?

Be sure to contact your transportation provider as soon as you know about an appointment. It is helpful to request the service at least five business days before your appointment. If you have more than one appointment that is ongoing, you can also request transportation to cover those appointments.

Can I accompany my child or spouse to an appointment?

Yes. One assistant, such as parent/guardian or spouse, may accompany a beneficiary on a trip provided by NMT. However, transportation is not available for more than one assistant. 

Additional Questions​​

Who can I contact if I have questions?

    • NMT and NEMT Providers as well as Beneficiaries can contact the Beneficiary's local Medi-Cal County office. 
  • FOR NMT MANAGED CARE billing and eligibility questions:
  • FOR NMT FFS billing questions:
  • FOR NMT FFS eligibility questions:

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Last modified date: 8/23/2023 4:18 PM