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Using Body Mass Index-for-Age Growth Charts for the CHDP Well-Child Exam 

These training tools are designed for local CHDP program staff to use with CHDP providers and provider staff.  The goals of the training are explained in the User Guide. A sample Slide Presentation is provided with Training Packet Materials to facilitate and standardize CHDP provider training.  Local CHDP programs may customize the PowerPoint presentation and training packet contents to meet the needs of their providers. The CHDP program has endorsed the 2007 American Medical Association (AMA) Expert Committee Recommendations on the Assessment, Prevention and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity. This training assists CHDP providers with implementing the recommendations summarized in the Expert Committee Recommendations - An Implementation Guide From the Expert Committee (CHDP Provider Information Notice 07-13)​

User Guide

Slide Presentations

Training Materials

Last modified date: 4/20/2022 9:56 AM