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​​​​​Medi-Cal Premium Payments for the "Medi-Cal for Families" Program - Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Why does this program have premiums? 
    State Assembly Bill (AB) 1494 (Chapter 28, Statutes of 2012) authorized this premium payment program pursuant to §1916A of the federal Social Security Act for children with incomes greater than 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Additional legislation raised the minimum FPL required for premium collection to 160 percent in January 2014.

  2. Who does/who doesn’t have premiums? 
    Medi-Cal premiums are required for certain children who are 1 up to 19 years of age in the Optional Targeted Low-Income Children’s Program, known as the Medi-Cal for Families Program. In 2014-2015, families with incomes between 160 and 266 percent of the FPL have the monthly premium obligation have been reduced to $0.00. 

  3. How much are the premiums? 
    Medi-Cal monthly premium amounts have been reduced to $0.00 effective July 1, 2022. Monthly billing and collection of premiums for the Medi-Cal for Families program will no longer be required.

  4. Who do I call if I have a change in circumstances? 
    If your circumstances have changed, you should contact your local county eligibility worker so your eligibility may be redetermined. 

  5. Who should I contact if I need assistance with my Medi-Cal eligibility? 
    If you have questions about your eligibility for Medi-Cal, you should call your local county human services office. You may find contact information for your local human services office on the County Offices listings webpage.


Last modified date: 5/17/2023 4:00 PM