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Return to Medi-Cal Managed Care Letters

Return to Managed Care All Plan & Policy Letters - Subject Listing​​

2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 20​01 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

2024 - All Plan Le​tters​

Letter Number
Title (Subject) of Letter​
Date of Issue
​APL 24-001​
​Street Medicine Provider: Definitions and Participation in Managed Care (Supersedes APL 22-023)​​
APL 24-002
​Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Responsibilities for Indian Health Care Providers and American Indian Members (Supersedes APL 09-009)
​​APL 24-003
​Abortion Services (Supersedes APL 22-022)
​​APL 24-004​
​Quality Improvement and Health Equity Transformation Requirements (Supersedes APL 19-017)​
​​APL 24-005​
​California Housing And Homelessness Incentive (Supersedes APL 22-007)
​​APL 24-006​
​Community Health Worker Services Benefit (Supersedes APL 22-016)
​APL 24-007​
​Targeted Provider Rate Increases
​​APL 24-008
​Immunization Requirements (Supersedes APLs 18-004 and 16-009)

​​2023 - All Plan Letters​​​

​Letter Number
Title (Subject) of Letter
Date of Issue
APL 23-001​
​Network Certification Requirements (Supersedes APL 21-006)
APL 23-002​

2023-2024 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff an​d Processing Schedule​

​APL 23-003
​California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal Incentive Payment Program (Supersedes APL 21-016)
​​APL 23-004
​Skilled Nursing Facilities -- Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care (Supersedes APL 22-018)
APL 23-005
​Requirements For Coverage of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services for Medi-Cal Members Under the Age of 21 (Supersedes APL 19-010)​​03/16/2023
​​APL 23-006​
​Delegation and Subcontractor Network Certification (Supersedes APL 17-004)
APL 23-007​
​Telehealth Services Policy (Supersedes APL 19-009)
​APL 23-008​
Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Family Planning Services​ (Supers​edes APL 22-011)

Revised 06/27/2023
APL 23-009​
​Authorizations for Post-Stabilization Care Services
​​APL 23-010​
​Responsibilities for Behavioral Health Treatment Coverage for Members Under the Age of 21 (Supersedes APL 19-014)​


Revised 11/22/2023
APL 23-011​
​Treatment of Recoveries Made by the Managed Care Health Plan of Overpayments to Providers (Supersedes APL 17-003)​
​​APL 23-012
​Enforcement Actions: Administrative and Monetary Sanctions (Supersedes APL 22-015)

Revised 12/04/2023
​APL 23-013​
​Mandatory Signatories to the California Health and Human Services Agency Data Exchange Framework​

APL 23-014​
​Proposition 56 Value-Based Payment Program Directed Payments (Supersedes APL 22-019)
​APL 23-015​
​Proposition 56 Directed Payments For Private Services (Supersedes APL 19-013)
APL 23-016
​Directed Payments for Developmental Screening Services (Supersedes APL 19-016)​
APL 23-017​
​Directed Payments for Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening Services (Supersedes APL 19-018)
​APL 23-018​
​Managed Care Health Plan Transition Policy Guide
APL 23-019
​Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Physician Services (Supersedes APL 19-015)​
​​APL 23-020
Requirements for Timely Payment of Claims 


​APL 23-021
​Population Needs Assessment and Population Health Management Strategy (Supersedes APL 19-011)
​APL 23-022​
​Continuity of Care for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Who Newly Enroll in Medi-Cal Managed Care from Medi-Cal Fee-For-Service, on or After January 1, 2023 (Supersedes APL 22-032)
​APL 23-023​
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities -- Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care​

Revised 11/28/2023
APL 23-024
​Doula Services (Supersedes APL 22-031)​


Revised 11/03/2023
​​APL 23-025
​Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training Program Requirements (Supersedes APL 99-005)​
APL 23-026​
​Federal Drug Utilization Review Requirements Designed to Reduce Opioid Related Fraud, Misuse and Abuse (Supersedes APL 19-012)​09/25/2023

APL 23-027​
​Subacute Care Facilities -- Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care
APL 23-028
​Dental Services – Intravenous Moderate Sedation and
Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia Coverage​
(Supersedes APL 15-012)
​​APL 23-029
​Memorandum of Understanding Requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans and Third-Party Entities
​APL 23-030​
​Medi-Cal Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative-Related State Guidance
APL 23-031​​​
​Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Implementation of Primary Care Provider Assignment for the Age 26-49 Adult Expansion Transition
​APL 23-032​
​Enhanced Care Management Requirements (Supersedes APL 21-012)
​APL 23-033​
​2024-2025 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule
APL 23-034​
​California Children’s Services Whole Child Model Program (Supersedes APL 21-005)
APL 23-035​
​Student Behavioral Health Incentive Program 

2022 - All Plan Letters

Letter Number​
Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
APL 22-001
2022-2023 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Meds/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule​
​​APL 22-002
​Alternative Format Selection for Members with Visual Impairments ​03/14/2022
​​APL 22-003
​Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Responsibility to Provide Services to Members with Eating Disorders​
​​APL 22-004 (Revised)
​Strategic Approaches for Use By Managed Care Plans to Maximize Continuity of Coverage as Normal Eligibility and Enrollment Operations Resume ​

Revised 04/18/2023

​​APL 22-005
​No Wrong Door for Mental Health Services Policy​

​​APL 22-006
​Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Responsibilities for Non-Specialty Mental Health Services (Supersedes APL 17-018)​
​​APL 22-007
​California Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program​

​​APL 22-008​
​Non-Emergency Medical and Non-Medical Transportation Services and Related Travel Expenses (Supersedes APL 17-010)
​APL 22-009
​COVID-19 Guidance for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans​
APL 22-010
​Cancer Biomarker Testing​

​​APL 22-011
​Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Family Planning Services (Supersedes APL 20-013)​

Superseded by 23-008
​APL 22-012​
​Governor’s Executive Order N-01-19, Regarding Transitioning Medi-Cal Pharmacy Benefits from Managed Care to Medi-Cal RX (Supersedes APL 20-020)

Revised 12/30/2022
​​APL 22-013
​Provider Credentialing/Re-Credentialing and Screening/Enrollment (Supersedes APL 19-004) ​07/19/2022

​​APL 22-014
​Electronic Visit Verification Implementation Requirements​

​​APL 22-015
​Enforcement Actions: Administrative and Monetary Sanctions (Supersedes APL 18-003)​

Superseded by 23-012
​APL 22-016​
​Community Health Worker Services Benefit 

Revised​ 09/18/2023
​​APL 22-017
​Primary Care Provider Site Reviews: Facility Site Review and Medical Record Review (Supersedes APL 20-006)
APL 22-018​
​Skilled Nursing Facilities -- Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care

Superseded by 23-004

Revised 12/27/2022
​​APL 22-019
​Proposition 56 Value-Based Payment Program Directed Payments (Supersedes APL 20-014)​

Superseded by 23-014
APL 22-020​
​Community-Based Adult Services Emergency Remote Services (Supersedes APL 20-007)
Reporting Template​

Revised 11/2/2022
​​APL 22-021​
​Proposition 56 Behavioral Health Integration Incentive Program​
APL 22-022​
​Abortion Services (Supersedes APL 15-020)

Superseded by 24-003
APL 22-023​
​Street Medicine Provider: Definitions and Participation in Managed Care

Superseded by 24-001
APL 22-024​
​Population Health Management Program Guide (Supersedes APLs 17-012 and 17-013)
​​APL 22-025​
​Responsibilities for Annual Cognitive Health Assessment for Eligible Members 65 Years of Age or Older​
APL 22-026
​Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule​

​APL 22-027
​Cost Avoidance and Post-Payment Recovery for Other Health Coverage (Supersedes APL 21-002)​

​​APL 22-028
​Adult and Youth Screening and Transition of Care Tools for Medi-Cal Mental Health Services​
APL 22-029​
​Dyadic Services and Family Therapy Benefit​

Revised 03/20/2023
​APL 22-030​
​Initial Health Appointment (Supersedes APL 13-017 
and Policy Letters 13-001 and 08-003)
APL 22-031​​
​Doula Services

Superseded by 23-024
​APL 22-032​
​Continuity of care for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries who newly enroll in Medi-Cal Managed Care from Medi-Cal Fee-for-Service, and for Medi-Cal members who transition into a new Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan on or after January 1, 2023​ (Supersedes APL 18-008)

Superseded by 23-022

2021 - All Plan Letters

Letter Number​

Title (Subject) of Letter
Date of Issue
APL 21-001​
2021-2022 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Meds/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule
​​APL 21-002
​Cost Avoidance and Post-Payment Recovery for Other Health Coverage
(Supersedes Policy Letter 08-011)
Superseded by 22-027


APL 21-003
​Medi-Cal Network Provider and Subcontractor Terminations (Supersedes APL 16-001)
​​APL 21-004
​Standards for Determining Threshold Languages, Nondiscrimination Requirements, and Language Assistance Services (Supersedes APL 17-011 and Policy Letters 99-003 and 99-004) ​04/08/2021


APL 21-005​
​California Children's Services Whole Child Model Program (Supersedes APL 18-023)

Superseded by 23-034

Revised 12/10/21
​​APL 21-006
​Network Certification Requirements (Supersedes APL 20-003)
Superseded by 23-001
​​APL 21-007
​Third Party Tort Liability Reporting Requirements
(Supersedes APLs 01-002, 11-012 AND 17-021)
AP 21-007 Attachments:
​APL 21-008​

​Tribal Federally Qualified Health Center Providers
APL 21-008 Attachments:


APL 21-009

​Collecting Social Determinants of Health Data

APL 21-010​ (Revised)
​Medi-Cal COVID-19 Vaccination Incentive Program
APL 21-010 Attachments:
Attachment A: Vaccination Incentive Program - Health Plan Outcome Metrics​

03/07/2022 ​
​​APL 21-011​
​Grievance and Appeals Requirements, Notice and “Your Rights” Templates
(Supersedes APL 17-006)

APL 21-011 Member Notices:

Notice of Action (NOA)
Notice of Appeal Resolution (NAR)

Revised 08/31/2022
​​APL 21-012
​Enhanced Care Management Requirements

Superseded by 23-032

APL 21-013
​Dispute Resolution Process Between Mental Health Plans and Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans (Supersedes APL 15-007)​
​​APL 21-014
​Alcohol and Drug Screening, Assessment, Brief Interventions and Referral to Treatment (Supersedes APL 18-014)

​​APL 21-015
​Benefit Standardization and Mandatory Managed Care Enrollment Provisions of the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal Initiative


Revised 10/14/2022
​​APL 21-016
​California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal Incentive Payment Program

Superseded by 23-003
​APL 21-017​
​Community Supports Requirements 

​APL 21-018​
​Pu​blic and Private Hospital Directed Payment Programs for State Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19, the Bridge Period, and Calendar Year 2021​​​12/23/2021

2020 - All Plan Letters​

Letter Number
Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
APL 20-001​
2020-2021 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Meds/834 Cutoff And Processing Schedule​

​APL 20-002​
​N​on-Contract Ground Emergency Medical Transport Payment Obligations
APL 20-003
​Network Certification Requirements 
(Supersedes APL 19-002)​
APL 20-003 Attachments:
​APL 20-004​ (Revised)
​Emergency Guidance for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans in Response to COVID-19 

APL 20-005 ​
​Extension of the Adult Expansion Risk Corridor for State Fiscal Year 2017-18
APL 20-006
​Site Reviews: Facility Site Review and Medical Record Review (Supersedes PLs 14-004 and 03-002, and APL 03-007)​
Superseded by 22-017
​​APL 20-007 (Revised)

Policy Guidance for Community-Based Adult Services in Response t​​o COVID-19 Public Health Emergency​


Superseded by 22-020


Revised: 04/13/2020

​APL 20-008​
​Mitigating Health Impacts of Secondary Stress Due to the COVID-19 Emergency


​APL 20-009​
​Preventing Isolation of and Supporting Older and Other At-Risk Individuals to Stay Home and Stay Healthy During COVID-19 Efforts
APL 20-010

APL 20-011 (Revised)
​Governor's Executive Order N-55-20 in Response to COVID-19​


Revised 07/08/2021
APL 20-012
​Private Duty Nursing Case Management Responsibilities tor Medi-Cal Eligible Members Under the Age of 21​
APL 20-013
​Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Family Planning Services​

Superseded by 22-011
APL 20-014
​Proposition 56 Value-Based Payment Program Directed Payments​

Superseded by 22-019
APL 20-015​
​State Non-Discrimination and Language Assistance Requirements

APL 20-016​ (Revised)
​Blood Lead Screening of Young Children (Supersedes APL18-017​)


APL 20-017​
​Requirements for Reporting Managed Care Program Data (Supersedes APLs 14-013 (Revised) and 14-012)​
APL 20-018​
​Ensuring Access to Transgender Services (Supersedes APL16-013)​
​APL 20-019
APL 20-020​
​Governor’s Executive Order N-01-19, Regarding Transitioning Medi-Cal Pharmacy Benefits from Managed Care to Medi-Cal Rx

Superseded by 22-012​​

APL 20-021 (Revised)
​Acute Hospital Care at Home - RETIRED


Revised 01/19/2021
APL 20-022​ (Revised)
​COVID-19 Vaccine Administration


2019 - All Plan Letters

Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Guidance on Network Provider Status
APL 19-002Network Certification Requirements (Supersedes APL 18-005)
APL 19-002 Attachments:
Superseded by 20-003
APL 19-003​Providing Informing Materials to Medi-Cal Beneficiaries in an Electronic Format​05/02/2019
APL 19-004
​Provider Credentialing / Recredentialing and Screening / Enrollment (Supersedes APL 17-019)

Medi-Cal Provider Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions​​

Superseded by 22-013
APL 19-005

​Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics Financial Incentive and Pay For Performance Payment Policy

APL 19-006​Proposition 56 Physicians Directed Payments for Specified Services for State Fiscal Years 2017-18 & 2018-19 (Supersedes APL 18-010)

Superseded by 19-015
​APL 19-007Non-Contract Ground Emergency Medical Transport Payment Obligations for State Fiscal Year 2018-19​06/14/2019
APL 19-008​​Rate Changed for Emergency and Post-Stabilization Services Provided by Out-of-Network Border Hospitals Under the Diagnosis Related Group Payment Methodology: Outcome of Federal Court Litigation Rejecting A Challenge to State Plan Amendment 15-020 (Supersedes APL 16-016) ​06/18/2019

APL 19-009 (Revised)​

​Telehealth Services Policy

Superseded by 23-007


Revised: 03/18/2020

APL 19-010​Requirements for Coverage of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services for 
Medi-Cal Members Under the Age of 21 (Supersedes APL 18-007 and 07-008)

Superseded by 23-005
APL 19-011​
​Health Education and Cultural and Linguistic Population Needs Assessment (Supersedes APL 17-002)

Superseded by 23-021
APL 19-012​
​Federal Drug Utilization Review Requirements Designed to Reduce Opioid Related Fraud, Misuse and Abuse

Superseded by 23-026

Revised: 11/15/2019
​APL 19-013​
​Proposition 56 Hyde Reimbursement Requirements for Specified Services 

Superseded by 23-015
​APL 19-014​
​Responsibilities for Behavioral Health Treatment Coverage for Members Under the Age of 21 (Supersedes APL 18-006)​

Superseded by 23-010
​APL 19-015​Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Physician Services (Supersedes APL 19-006)

Superseded by 23-019
APL 19-016
​Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Developmental Screening Services

Superseded by 23-016
APL 19-017​Quality and Performance Improvement Requirements (Supersede​s APL 17-014)

APL 19-018 ​Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening Services

Superseded by 23-017

2018​ - All Plan Letters

Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
Voluntary Inpatient Detoxification (Supersedes APL 14-005)
APL 18-002​
​2018-2019 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule
APL 18-003​Administrative and Financial Sanctions (Supersedes APL 15-014)​01/25/2018
APL 18-004​Immunization Requirements (Supersedes PL 96-013 and APL 07-015)

Superseded by 24-008
​APL 18-006​Responsibilities for Behavioral Health Treatment Coverage for Members Under the Age of 21 (Supersedes APL 15-025)

Superseded by 19-014
APL 18-007
​Requirements for Coverage of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services for Medi-Cal Members Under the Age of 21 (Supersedes APL 14-017)

Superseded by 19-010
APL 18-008 (Revised)​Continuity of Care for Medi-Cal Members Who Transition into Medi-Cal Managed Care (Supersedes APL 15-019)

Superseded by 22-032


Revised: 12/07/2018

APL 18-009​Memorandum of Understanding Requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans and Regional Centers (Supersedes APL 15-022)​​​03/02/2018

Retired 10/23/2023
APL 18-010​Proposition 56 Directed Payment Expenditures for Specified Services for State Fiscal Year 2017-18

Superseded by 19-006
​APL 18-011​
​California Children's Services Whole Child Model Program

Superseded by 18-023
​APL 18-012​Health Homes Program Requirements

APL 18-013 ​Hepatitis C Virus Treatment Policy Update (Supersedes APL 15-016) - RETIRED
​APL 18-014​Alcohol Misuse: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care (Supersedes APL 17-016)

Superseded by 21-014
​APL 18-015

​Memorandum of Understanding Requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans

APL 18-015 Attachments:


Retired 10/23/2023
APL 18-016

​Readability and Suitability of Written Health Education Materials (Supersedes APL 11-018)

APL 18-016 Attachments:                  

​APL 18-017​Blood Lead Screening of Young Children (Supersedes PL 02-01)

Superseded by 20-016 
APL 18-018​Diabetes Prevention Program​11/16/2018
​APL 18-019

​Family Planning Services Policy for Self-Administered Hormonal Contraceptives

(Supersedes APL 16-003)

APL 18-020​Palliative Care (Supersedes APL 17-015) 12/07/2018
APL 18-021​2019-2020 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Meds/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule12/19/2018
APL 18-022​Access Requirements for Freestanding Birth Centers and the Provision of Midwife Services (Supersedes APL 16-017)
APL 18-023​
​California Children's Services Whole Child Model Program (Supersedes APL 18-011)

Superseded by 21-005

2017​ - All Plan Letters

Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
2017-2018 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff And Processing Schedule
APL 17-002

​Health Education and Cultural and Linguistic Group Needs Assessment (Supersedes PL10-012)

Superseded by 19-011

APL 17-003​Treatment of Recoveries Made by the Managed Care Health Plan of Overpayments to Providers

Superseded by 23-011
​APL 17-004​Subcontractual Relationships and Delegation

Superseded by 23-006
APL 17-005​Certification of Document and Data Submissions​05/02/2017
APL 17-006

​Grievance and Appeal Requirements and Revised Notice Templates and “Your Rights” Attachments (Supersedes All Plan Letters 04-006 and 05-005 and Policy Letter 09-006)

Superseded by APL 21-011

Supplement to APL 17-006: Emergency State Fair Hearing Timeframe Changes​

Superseded by Supplement to APL 21-011

APL 17-006 Member Notices: 
Superseded by APL 21-011 Member Notices
1557 Notices
  • Language Assistance Taglines
  • Nondiscrimination Notice 
Notice of Action (NOA)
  • Deny
  • Delay
  • Modify
  • Carve-Out
  • Terminate
  • NOA Your Rights (Knox-Keene)
  • NOA Your Rights (non Knox-Keene)
Notice of Appeal Resolution (NAR)
  • Overturn
  • Uphold
  • NAR Your Rights (Knox-Keene)
    NAR Your Rights (non Knox-Keene)
State Hearing Form

​APL 17-007
Continuity of Care for New Enrollees Transitioned to Managed Care After Requesting a Medical Exemption and Implementation of Monthly Medical Exemption Review Denial Reporting (Supersedes All Plan Letter 15-001) ​05/11/2017
​APL 17-008​Requirement to Participate in the Medi-Cal Drug Utilization Review Program​05/10/2017
APL 17-009​Reporting Requirements Related To Provider Preventable Conditions (Supersedes All Plan Letter 16-011)​05/23/2017
​APL 17-010 (Revised)

​Non-Emergency Medical and Non-Medical Transportation Services

Superseded by 22-008




APL 17-011​Standards for Determining Threshold Languages and Requirements for Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (Supersedes APL 14-008)

Superseded by 21-004
APL 17-012

​Care Coordination Requirements for Managed Long - Term Services and Supports

Superseded by 22-024

APL 17-013​Requirements for Health Risk Assessment of Medi-Cal Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Superseded by 22-024​07/11/2017
​APL 17-014​Quality and Performance Improvement Requirements (Supersedes APL 16-018)

Superseded by 19-017
APL 17-015​Palliative Care and Medi-Cal Managed Care

Superseded by 18-020
APL 17-016​Alcohol Misuse: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care (Supersedes APL 14-004)

Superseded by 18-014
APL 17-017​Long Term Care Coordination and Disenrollment (Supersedes APL 03-003)​​10/27/2017
APL 17-018​Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Responsibilities for Outpatient Mental Health Services (Supersedes APL 13-021)

Superseded by 22-006
APL 17-019

​Provider Credentialing / Recredentialing and Screening / Enrollment (Supersedes APL 16-012)

Superseded by 19-004
APL 17-020

​American Indian Health Programs




APL 17-021​Workers’ Compensation – Notice of Change to Workers’ Compensation Recovery Program; Reporting and Other Requirements (Supersedes APL 04-004)

Superseded by 21-007​

2016​ - All Plan Letters​

Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
Medi-Cal Provider and Subcontract Suspensions, Terminations, and Decertifications (Supersedes APL 06-007) 

Superseded by 21-003
​APL 16-002   ​2016-2017 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule​01/19/2016
APL 16-003​Family Planning Services Policy for Contraceptive Supplies


​APL 16-004     ​Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans Carved-Out Drugs (Supersedes APL 03-004)​02/19/2016
APL 16-005

​Requirements for Use of Non-Monetary Member Incentives for Incentive Programs, Focus Groups, and Member Surveys (Supersedes Policy Letters 09-005 and 12-002)


APL 16-006  ​End of Life Option Act​06/08/2016
APL 16-007    ​Designated Public Hospitals: Billing for Beneficiaries with California Children's Services Eligible Conditions and/or Medi-Cal Managed Care (Supersedes APL 15-011)​07/18/2016
APL 16-008    ​Diagnosis Related Groups: Billing for Beneficiaries with California Children's Services Eligible Conditions and/or Medi-Cal Managed Care (Supersedes APL 13-012)​07/18/2016
APL 16-009 ​Adult Immunizations as a Pharmacy Benefit 

Superseded by 24-008


Revised: 12/23/2016

APL 16-010​Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Pharmaceutical Formulary Comparability Requirement - RETIRED
APL 16-011​Reporting Requirements Related to Provider Preventable Conditions (Supersedes APL 15-006)

Superseded by 17-009
APL 16-012​Provider Credentialing and Recredentialing (Supersedes PL 02-003)

Superseded by 17-019
APL 16-013)​Ensuring Access to Medi-Cal Services for Transgender Beneficiaries (Supersedes APL 13-011)

Superseded by 20-018
​APL 16-014​Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Services for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries (Supersedes PL 14-006)​11/30/2016
APL 16-015​Acupuncture Services​12/01/2016
APL 16-016​Rate Changes for Emergency and Post-Stabilization Services Provided by Out-of-Network “Border” Hospitals Under the Diagnosis Related Group Payment Methodology

Superseded by 19-008
APL 16-017​Provision of Certified Nurse Midwife and Alternative Birth Center Facility Services (Supersedes APL 15-017)

Superseded by 18-022
APL 16-018​Quality and Performance Improvement Requirements (Supersedes APL 15-024)

Superseded by 17-014
APL 16-019   ​Managed Care Provider Data Reporting Requirements (Supersedes APL 14-006)  ​12/28/2016

2015​ - All Plan Letters

Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue
Continuity of Care for New Enrollees Transitioned to Managed Care After Requesting a Medical Exemption
Superseded by APL 17-007
APL 15-002     ​Multipurpose Senior Services Program Complaint, Grievance, Appeal, and State Hearing Responsibilities in Coordinated Care Initiative Counties​01/22/2015
APL 15-003   ​Podiatric and Chiropractic Services at Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics​01/26/2015
​APL 15-004   ​Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Requirements for Nursing Facility Services in Coordinated Care Initiative Counties For Beneficiaries not Enrolled in Cal Mediconnect​02/12/2015
​APL 15-005  ​Data Request Requirements for Child Health Disability Prevention Report Contained in Policy Letter 10-013 (Supersedes PL 10-013)​02/12/2015
APL 15-006  ​Reporting Requirements Related to Provider Preventable Conditions
(Supersedes APL 13-007)

Superseded by 16-011
APL 15-007    ​Dispute Resolution Process for Mental Health Services

Superseded by 21-013
APL 15-008    ​Professional Fees for Office Visits Associated with Alcohol and Substances Use Disorder Treatment Services​04/16/2015
APL 15-009    ​Proper Use and Billing for Makena (Supersedes APL 13-016) - RETIRED
​APL 15-010​Affordable Care Act Section 1202 Increased Payments for Medi-Cal Primary Care Services – Revised Guidance and Contractual Requirements​05/01/2015
APL 15-011   ​Designated Public Hospitals: Billing for Beneficiaries with California Children's Services Eligible Conditions and/or Medi-Cal Managed Care

Superseded by 16-007
APL 15-012   ​Dental Services - Intravenous Sedation and General Anesthesia Coverage
(Supersedes Policy Letter 13-002)

Superseded by 23-028
APL 15-013​Requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans and Qualified Agency Contract​05/22/2015
​APL 15-014   ​Administrative and Financial Sanctions

Superseded by 18-003
APL 15-015  Physical Health Care Covered Services Provided for Members Who Are Admitted to Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities​​06/12/2015
APL 15-016  ​Hepatitis C Virus Treatment Policy Update

Superseded by 18-013
​APL 15-017​Provision of Certified Nurse Midwife and Alternative Birth Center Facility Services

Superseded by 16-017
APL 15-018  ​Criteria for Coverage of Wheelchairs and Applicable Seating and Positioning Components​07/09/2015
APL 15-019

​Continuity of Care for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries who Transition into Medi-Cal Managed Care

(Supersedes APL 14-021)

Superseded by 18-008 

APL 15-020    ​Abortion Services (Supersedes PL 99-08)​

Superseded by 22-022
APL 15-021 ​General Acute Care Inpatient Services:  Claiming for Beneficiaries Covered by Medi-Cal Managed Care and Medi-Cal Diagnosis Related Group Fee-For-Service ​10/01/2015
APL 15-022  ​Memorandum of Understanding Requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans and Regional Centers

Superseded by 18-009
APL 15-023   ​Facility Site Review Tools for Ancillary Service and Community-Based Adult Services Providers​10/28/2015
APL 15-024    ​Quality and Performance Improvement Requirements (Supersedes APL 14-003)

Superseded by 16-018


​APL 15-025    ​Responsibilities for Behavioral Health Treatment Coverage for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Supersedes APL 14-011)

Superseded by 18-006
APL 15-026   ​Actions Required Following Notice of a Credible Allegation of Fraud​12/30/2015

2014​ - All Plan Letters

​​Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 14-001   

2014-2015 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule


APL 14-002  Summary of 2013 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans


APL 14-003   Quality and Performance Improvement Program Requirements for 2014

Superseded by 15-024


APL 14-004  Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Misuse of Alcohol

Superseded by 17-016


APL 14-005   New Benefit - Voluntary Inpatient Detox

Superseded by 18-001


APL 14-006   Ongoing Provider File Submission Requirements (Supersedes APL 11-020)

Superseded by 16-019


APL 14-007   Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans


APL 14-008Standards for Determining Threshold Languages

Superseded by 17-011


APL 14-009

Transition of Encounter Data Submission to National Standard Transactions

(ASC X12 837 5010, NCPDP 2.2 or 4.2)


​APL 14-010   ​Care Coordination Requirements for Managed Long-Term Services and Supports 

Superseded by 17-012
APL 14-011   ​Interim Policy for the Provision of Behavioral Health Treatment Coverage for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Superseded by 15-025
APL 14-012 

​Call Center Report Template

Superseded by 20-017
APL 14-013 

​Grievance Report Template

Superseded by 20-017


​APL 14-014     ​Enrollment Requirements for Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans in Alameda and Orange Counties​10/10/2014
APL 14-015   Primary Care Provider Assignment in Medi-Cal Managed Care for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries​​11/24/2014
APL 14-016   ​Summary of 2014 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans​11/24/2014
​APL 14-017   ​Requirements for Coverage of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries under the Age of Twenty One

Superseded by 18-007
APL 14-018    ​2015-2016 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule​12/19/2014
APL 14-019   ​Encounter Data Submission Requirements​12/19/2014
APL 14-020    ​Quality Measures for Encounter Data  
APL 14-020 Attachment: DHCS Quality Measures for Encounter Data 



APL 14-021

​Continuity of Care for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Who Transition into Medi-Cal Managed Care

(Supersedes APL 13-023)


Superseded by 15-019


2013​ - All Plan Letters

​Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 13-001    

Coordination of Benefits: Medicare and Medi-Cal

Superseded by APL 13-003


APL 13-002   Processing Errors Related to Denied Medical Exemption Requests Regarding Mandatory Enrollment into a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan


APL 13-003     Coordination of Benefits: Medicare and Medi-Cal (Supersedes APL 13-001)


APL 13-004      Rates For Emergency And Post-Stabilization Acute Inpatient Services Provided By Out-Of-Network General Acute Care Hospitals Based On Diagnosis Related Groups Effective July 1, 2013 (Supersedes APL 07-014​)


APL 13-005

Quality & Performance Improvement Program Requirements for 2013 (Supersedes APL 11-021)   

Superseded by APL 14-003


APL 13-006   Encounter Data Element for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans, Version 2.0.

Superseded by APL 14-019


APL 13-007    

Reporting Encounter Data Related to Provider Preventable Conditions 

Superseded by APL 15-006


APL 13-008   Contracts with Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans    


APL 13-009   Affordable Care Act (ACA) Section 1202 Final Rule on Increased Payments for Medi-Cal Primary Care Services


APL 13-010 Managed Care Compliance Plan for Section 1202 of the Affordable Care Act


APL 13-011    Ensuring Access to Transgender Services

Superseded by APL 16-013


APL 13-012 Diagnosis Related Groups: Billing for Beneficiaries with California Children's Services Eligible Conditions and/or Medi-Cal Managed Care

Superseded by APL 16-008


APL 13-013   

Continuity of Care for New Enrollees Transitioned to Managed Care after Requesting a Medical Exemption

Superseded by APL 15-001


Revised: 4/3/2014

APL 13-014     Hospice Services and Medi-Cal Managed Care


APL 13-015    Marketing Requirements for Medi-Cal and Covered California


APL 13-016 Proper use of and Billing for Makena

Superseded by 15-009


APL 13-017 Staying Healthy Assessment/Individual Health Education Behavioral Assessment for Enrollees from Low-Income Health Program

Superseded by 22-030


APL 13-018 Memorandum of Understanding Requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans

Superseded by 18-015


APL 13-019 Utilization Data File to be Provided to Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans for Transitioning Low-Income Health Program Beneficiaries


APL 13-020    Open Authorization and Scheduled Service Information for New Beneficiaries Transitioning from The Low-Income Health Program


APL 13-021   Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Responsibilities for Outpatient Mental Health Services

Superseded by 17-018


APL 13-022

Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Implementation of Primary Care Provider Assignment and Reimbursement for New Adult Expansion Members

12/24/2013 Revised: 7/25/2014

APL 13-023 Continuity of Care for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries who Transition from Fee-For-Service Medi-Cal into Medi-Cal Managed Care  

Superseded by 14-021


APL 13-024   Designating Non-Qualified Health Plan Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans as Medicaid Certified Application Counselors  


2012 - All Plan Letters 

​Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 12-001    

Contracts with Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans


APL 12-002  

2012-13 Rates For Post-Stabilization Inpatient Services Provided By Out-Of-Network Acute Care Hospitals

Superseded by APL 12-004


APL 12-003 Revised 

2012-13 Rates For Emergency-Based Inpatient Services Provided By Out-Of-Network Acute Care Hospitals


APL 12-004 Revised   

2012-13 Rates For Post-Stabilization Inpatient Services Provided By Out-Of-Network Acute Care Hospitals (Supersedes APL12-002)


APL 12-0052013-2014 Managed Care Plan MEDS/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule


2011 - All Plan Letters 

​​Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 11-002   

Quality and Performance Improvement Program Requirements for 2011 (supersedes APL 10-001)


APL 11-005     

Aid Codes 4H and 4L: Identifying Foster Care Children in the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKS) or 1931(b) Programs


APL 11-006       

Disclosure of Select Provider Contracting Program Rates 


APL 11-008

Aid Code 4T: Aid Code to Identify Children in the New Federal KIN-GAP Program


APL 11​-010

Competency and Sensitivity Training Required in Serving the Needs of Seniors and Persons with Disabilities - RETIRED


APL 11-012  

Reporting Responsibilities Regarding Third-Party Tort Liability


APL 11-014     

Transition to Update HIPAA Transactions for Enrollment and Premium Payments      


APL 11-015    

Rate Setting: Increased Percentage of Countywide Rates  


APL 11-016      

2011-2012 Rates for Emergency-Based Inpatient Services Provided by Out-of-Network Acute Care Hospitals  


APL 11-017    

2011-2012 Rates for Post-Stabilization Inpatient Services Provided by Out-of-Network Acute Care Hospitals


APL 11-018    

Readability and Suitability of Written Health Education Materials

Superseded by APL 18-016


APL 11-019

Extended Continuity of Care for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities  


APL 11-020    

Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Ongoing Provider File Submission Requirements (Supersedes APL 10-006)

Superseded by APL 14-006


APL 11-021   

Quality and Performance Improvement Program Requirements for 2012 (Supersedes APL 11-002​)

Superseded by APL 13-005


APL 11-022     Six New Derivative Foster Care Aid Codes


APL 11-023     Aid Code 0W


APL 11-024 

2012-2013 Managed Care Plan MEDS/FAME/5010 834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule


2010 - All Plan Letters

​Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 10-001   

Quality and Performance Improvement Program Requirements for 2010 (supersedes APL 08-009)

Superseded by APL 11-002


APL 10-002    

Rogers Amendment Data Request


APL 10-003  

Augmented Reimbursement for Family Planning Services 


APL 10-005    

Financial Reporting Requirements


APL 10-006    

Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Ongoing Provider File Updates

Superseded by APL 11-020


APL 10-007   

2010-11 Rates for Emergency Inpatient Services Provided by Out-Of-Network Acute Care Hospitals


APL 10-008   

2010-11 Rates for Post-Stabilization Inpatient Services Provided by Out-of-Network
Acute Care Hospitals


APL 10-009  

Utilization and Payment Data for Safety-Net Providers


APL 10-010  

Reinstatement of Optometry Services


APL 10-011   

The Rogers Amendment and Tertiary Hospitals 


APL 10-014  

Correction to All Plan Letter 10-003 Regarding Augmented Reimbursement for Family Planning Services 


APL 10-015  

2011-2012 Managed Care Plans MEDS/FAME/834+Supplemental Cutoff and Processing Schedule 


2009 - All Plan Letters 

​Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 09-001 

2008 Chaptered Legislation Affecting, or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 09-002  

Aid Codes 06 and 46


APL 09-003

Medi-Cal Managed Care Capitation Report


APL 09-004

Aid Code 6G


APL 09-007

List of Contracted Hospitals and Bed Days


APL 09-008

Procedures for Submitting QIP Documents and New Resources for Plans


APL 09-009​

Indian Health Services

Superseded by 24-002


APL 09-010 

Aid Code 2H


APL 09-011     

List of Contracted Hospitals and Bed Days


APL 09-012   

2009-10 Rates For Non-Contracted Hospital Emergency Inpatient Services


APL 09-013   

2009-10 Rates For Hospital Payment for Medi-Cal Post-Stabilization Services 


APL 09-014

Exhibit G, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 


APL 09-015

2010-2011 Managed Care Plan MEDS/FAME/834+Supplemental Cutoff and Processing Schedule 


200​8​ - All Plan Letters

​Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 08-001

Summary of 2007 Chaptered Legislation Affecting, or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 08-004

Managed Care Rate Reductions for FY 2008-09


APL 08-005

Managed Care Rate Reductions for FY 2008-09; Technical Clarification to All Plan Letter NO. 08-004


APL 08-006

Interim Procedures Until Execution of New EQRO Contract


APL 08-007

Requirements for Employee Education Regarding False Claims Recovery


APL 08-008

Reimbursement for Non-contracted Hospital Emergency Inpatient Services


APL 08-009

Quality and Performance Improvement Requirements for 2009


APL 08-010

Hospital Payment for Post Medi-Cal Post-Stabilization Services


APL 08-012

2009-2010 Managed Care Plan MEDS/FAME/834+Supplemental Cutoff and Processing Schedule


2007 - All Plan Letters

​ Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 07-001

Conversion to Electronic Filing of Financial Reports


APL 07-002

Conlan v. Bonta: Conlan v. Shewry: Court Ordered Medi-Cal Beneficiary Reimbursement Process


APL 07-003

Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Reimbursement for Non-Contracted Emergency Services Providers)


APL 07-004

Summary of 2006 Chaptered Legislation Affecting, or of Interest to, Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 07-005

Implementation of NPI Update


APL 07-007

Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Employee Education About False Claims)


APL 07-008

Topical Fluoride Varnish

Superseded by APL 19-010


APL 07-009

New Financial Reporting Requirements


APL 07-011

Update on California Department of Health Services Reorganization


APL 07-012

Identification of Regional Center Consumers


APL 07-013 

Quality and Performance Improvement Program Requirements for 2008


APL 07-014

Hospice Services and Medi-Cal Managed Care


APL 07-015

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine

Superseded by APL 18-004


APL 07-017

Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Section 6036 (Citizenship Verification Requirement)


APL 07-019

2008-2009 Managed Care Plan MEDS/FAME/834+Supplemental Cutoff and Processing Schedule


APL 07-020

Medi-Cal Billing Restriction on the Use of Social Security Numbers


2006 - All Plan Letters

​Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 06-001

HIPAA Requirements: Notice of Privacy Practices and Notification of Breaches


APL 06-002



APL 06-003



APL 06-004

National Provider Identifier (NPI)


APL 06-005

Protected Health Information (PHI) and Notification of Breaches


APL 06-006

Update to All Plan Letter 06-04 re: Implementation of the National Provider Identifier (NPI)


APL 06-007

Termination of Subcontracting Relationships

Superseded by APL 16-001


APL 06-008

Contraceptive Devices - RETIRED


APL 06-009

Supplemental Data Request                


APL 06-010

Quality and Performance Improvement Requirements for 2007


APL 06-011

Same Day Banking


APL 06-012

2007-2008 Managed Care Plan MEDS/FAME Cutoff and Processing Schedule


2005 - All plan letters

Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 05-001

Summary of 2003 and 2004 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 05-002

New Process for Transmitting Enrollment/Disenrollment Data


APL 05-003

Hospice Services and Medi-Cal Managed Care


APL 05-004

Personal Injury Inquiry Letter


APL 05-006

HIPAA Requirements:  Plans’ Reporting Responsibilities


APL 05-007

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment for Known Sex Offenders


APL 05-008

Review and Analysis of Financial Status of Health Plans Proposed Request for Funding Augmentations


APL 05-009

Carve out Erectile Dysfunction Drugs


APL 05-010

Advance Directive Form


APL 05-011

2005-2006 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cutoff and Processing Schedule

no date

APL 05-012

Medicare Modernization Act; Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan - RETIRED


APL 05-013

Medicare Modernization Act; Medicare Part D Implementation System Changes


APL 05-014

Summary of 2005 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


2004 - All Plan Letters

Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 04-001

2004 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


APL 04-002

Recovery of Capitation Paid to Health Care Plans for Deceased Beneficiaries


APL 04-003

Medi-Cal Providers on Probation


APL 04-004

Workers’ Compensation (WC)- Notice Award of New Workers’ Compensation Recovery Program (WCRP) Contractor; Reporting and Other Requirements

Superseded by APL 17-021


APL 04-005

Implementation of New Enrollment Forms


APL 04-006

SB 59 (Stats. 1999, Chapter 539) Required Notices of Action

Superseded by APL 17-006


APL 04-007

Implementation of New Enrollment Forms


APL 04-008

2004-2005 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


2003 - All Plan Letters

Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 03-001

Default Assignment of Beneficiaries


APL 03-002

SB 87 Medi-Cal Contact Information Release Form


APL 03-003

LTC Guidelines/Policy Letters GMC/Two Plan Letter

Superseded by APL 17-017


APL 03-004

Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Capitated and Non-Capitated Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and Antipsychotic Drugs - RETIRED

Superseded by APL 16-004


APL 03-005

Medi-Cal Intercounty Transfers


APL 03-006

Facility Site Review Clarification #2


APL 03-007

Certified Quality Provider Site Certificate

Superseded by APL 20-006


APL 03-008

Quarterly Submission of Grievance Logs


APL 03-009

Implementation of Expedited State Hearings


APL 03-010

Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Requirements for Provision of Contraceptive Drug Services and Supplies - RETIRED


APL 03-011

Fraud Referral Procedure to Audits and Investigations (A&I)


APL 03-012

Medi-Cal Providers on Probation


APL 03-013

Non Contracted Emergency Room Rate Schedule


APL 03-014

Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care, Inc.


APL 03-015

Use of Services Measures


2002 - All Plan Letters

Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 02-001

Medi-Cal HIV/AIDS Home and Community Based Services Waiver Program

Superseded by APL 18-017


APL 02-002

Possible Movement of Fame Files from the CA Health and Human Services (CalHHS) Data Center to the Medi-Cal Web Site​


APL 02-003

Cultural and Linguistic Contractual Requirements: Threshold and Concentration Standard Languages Update

Superseded by APL 16-012


APL 02-004

Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and Consumer Assessment of Health Plans (CAHPS) Reports Are Now Available on the DHCS Internet Site


APL 02-005

Emergency Services Medical Claim Coding and Documentation Guidelines


APL 02-006

Implementation of Medi-Cal Managed Care Policy Letter 02-02


APL 02-007

Summary of 2002 Chaptered Legislation for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 02-008

External Accountability Set (EAS) Performance Measure Audits


APL 02-009

2003 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


2001 - All Plan Letters

Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 01-001

Summary of 2000 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 01-002

Reporting and Other Requirements Regarding Workers’ Compensation Recovery

Superseded by APL 21-007


APL 01-003

Mifepristone (RU-486) As a Medi-Cal Benefit


APL 01-004

Health Plan Choice Reminders (Annual Renotifications)


APL 01-005

Implementation of a New Process Which Will Reject Encounter Data At Record Level


APL 01-006

2002 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


APL 01-007

Summary of 2001 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans


APL 01-008

Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program


2000 - All Plan Letters

Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 00-001

2000 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule 


APL 00-002

Medi-Cal Managed Care Medical Exemptions


APL 00-003

Policy and Procedure Revisions


APL 00-004

California Children’s Services (CCS) Policy Regarding the Requirement That All CCS Applicants Shall Make Application to the Medi-Cal Program (Health and Safety Code Section 123995)


APL 00-005

Invitation to All Plan Meeting on Year 2000 Proposed Contract Amendments


APL 00-006

Maximus Warehouse Relocation

Superseded by APL 14-017


APL 00-007

Potential Increase in New Enrollees Due to Changes in the Section 1931(b) Program


APL 00-008

Importance of Increased Outreach to New Eligibles Under the Section 1931(b) Program


APL 00-009

Percent of Poverty Population


APL 00-010

Draft 2000 Medi-Cal Managed Care Contract Amendments Package 00-01


APL 00-011

Ensuring Beneficiaries Receive Laboratory Services From CLIA Certified Laboratories


APL 00-012

Utilization Review of Initial Risk Assessments for Pregnant Women


APL 00-013

Amended Regulations for Enrollment and Disenrollment for Two-Plan Model Plans


APL 00-014

2001 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


1999 - All Plan Letters

​Letter NumberTitle (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 99-001

Managed Care Plan Utilization of Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents-Certified Optometrists


APL 99-002

1999 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


APL 99-003

Year 2000 Readiness Certification and Business Continuation Plan


APL 99-004

New Laws from the 1997-98 Session of the California Legislature Affecting the Medi-Cal Program


APL 99-005

Cultural Competency in Health Care - Meeting the Needs of a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Population

Superseded by APL 23-025


APL 99-006

Encounter Data Work Group


APL 99-007

Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Education Work Group and the “Staying Healthy” Assessment Subcommittee


APL 99-008

Updates to Managed Care Data Dictionary


APL 99-009

Draft 1999 Medi-Cal Managed Care Contract Amendments


APL 99-010

Status of the Conversion to the Fiscal Intermediary Access to Medi-Cal Eligibility


APL 99-011

New Medi-Cal Managed Care Exemption Forms


APL 99-012

Revision to All Plan Letter 99003 Re: Year 2000 Readiness


APL 99-013

Concurrent Participation in the Medi-Cal Managed Care Program and the Multipurpose Senior Services Program


APL 99-014

Summary of 1999 Chaptered Legislation Impacting or of Interest to Medi-Cal Mana​​​ged Care Plans


APL 99-015

Emergency Services Claims


APL 99-016

Year 2000 Contingency Plan Update


199​​8​ - All Plan Letters

Letter Number Title (Subject) of LetterDate of Issue

APL 98-003

1998 Managed Care Plan (MCP) MEDS/FAME Cut-off and Processing Schedule


APL 98-006

California Children Services Numbered Letters 01-0298 and 09-0598


APL 98-007

Recombinant Growth Hormone Injections 


APL 98-009

AID Code 38


Last modified date: 7/25/2024 1:23 PM